A Design of Perception

I have always wondered whether there has always been a difference between what you see and what someone is willing to make you see. Taking a basic example of the Adidas logo, known widely as the brand with three stripes, have you ever imagined why have they concentrated their logo with stripes and the color black? The three long stripes are symbolically representing the trail to the striped mountain, to encourage the athletes to overcome any whatsoever hurdles and accomplish their goals. Despite what one perceives out of the logo, looking at it in one glance Adidas is the first name our mind reads. And hence we are not interpreting what we want but what the logo originally mean. (Just so you know, adidas is a great shoe brand; I have been quite loyal to it!)



Anything that we see has a particular shape and this shape is what we term as design. After all the design is the first thing that caught your eye was this electronic device in which you are reading my article. Everything in the nature from the valleys to all the components of the rural and urban settlements has a specific and well defined design. There are countless philosophies and theories from various schools of thoughts and prominent designers about design, no wonder why it is studied an altogether different discipline.



Herbert Simon, a profound world renowned economist and a Nobel Prize winner quoted “Engineering, medicine, business, architecture and painting are concerned not with the necessary but with the contingent – not with how things are but with how they might be – in short, with design”.

In this era of cut-throat competition and innovation, design has become the face of marketing brands. It is no more about just the product but about the integrity, reliability and productivity of organizations across. A design is just like photography, how a photographer never follows a set of rules except the first time when he is out on his first shoot, similarly design brings freedom to sway along the lines and create something which is an absolute bizarre every time. If only Google complicated it further with its transition of logos, we would never relate to the playfulness of Google as an organizations, how they never follow the rules!

We all want to be unique and there is no other way better than creating a visual imagery of yourself for the world to see and reciprocate. Creating a design needs the intellectual ability to be able to process critical thinking, explore through spaces, being able to redefine the motive with the most basic rule of KISS i.e. Keep It Simple Stupid and of course once you’re ready with a picture, observing the trends is necessary. Redundancy of concept is a big no no, especially if not addressed in a smart way. The creator of a design is the architect of the same who will always keep in mind these elements of design i.e. Line, Color, Shape, Texture, Value, Space and Size. When big companies like Mitsubishi and BMW took so much time to design their logos with so much diligence, for them it was not just about something to established along their name but an effigy to their brand that would signify luxury and importance. After all it is the ideation in one’s mind that forms a design to create its value just through perception and not name.

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