Basic fundamentals one should know before getting into Web Development

1.  Programming


First things first, web developer is really a code for web programmer. As a programmer you’ve got to know programming fundamentals. Concepts like an “if statement” and “for loops” allow you to create programs that do things. Learn the technologies and programming languages related to your programming field of choice. Choose PHP or any other server side language whatever interests you to start your first web development project.


2.  HTML & CSS


HTML & CSS are the most important elements in the display of every webpage you visit. You can’t build a webpage without HTML, CSS makes it look pretty, and JS makes it dynamic. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to add on some jQuery. Whenever you write HTML it should naturally be valid xHTML; meaning properly nested nodes, closed image tags with specified alt attributes and other basics. Choose a good text editor which has basic functionalities like syntax highlighting and line numbers (Notepad++ recommended).


3.  Pick a Content Management System (CMS)

content management system

These days knowing web-fundamentals is not enough. If you want to be marketable, you need to pick a Content Management System. I am a huge fan of WordPress which is built on PHP, is on fast growth curves and boast strong communities. These communities mean there is plenty of contributed code and consensus around best practices, while the fast growth curves mean jobs.


4.  Take Part in the Community


Whenever you have a question, or a problem, there is always someone out there who’s encountered the same thing and will be willing to help you out. Go and join in on forums and creative communities, ask for help and offer up advice once you become confident enough to do so!


5.  Build Something


It’s high time you got your hands dirty and put your newfound skills to practice. Challenge yourself by building a basic website using HTML, CSS and some jQuery stuff to make it interactive.


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