9 Websites With Great User Experience

We all know how important have a good user experience it. A providing great user experience makes sure people love your website and visit it even frequently. A good website is almost like how you feel when you enter a good restaurant or say a great hotel, that feeling is what a good UX over a website feels like.

Let’s see 9 such really good examples of rich user experience on a websites

Andrew Jackson



Andrews portfolio site Will Design for UK is both simple & user intuitive. Starting from clean grey background to center focused project images to icons on the top. I’ll say take it for a spin.

David Bastian



David Bastian’s portfolio site made to our list due it’s unique flyer style layout with box grid’s. I have always love neatly organized girds that fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, which also brings an underlaying meaning we fit in (or may be its just me). The site is a tad bit slow as it pre-loads all the images but over all a great site to look at for Inspiration.




Defringe, another example of clean clutter free web site design with nice animated interface. Ah! and yes this too has grids 😀

Design Embraced




FS Emeric


Grow Interactive




Herrlich Media


For a much detailed information on these websites and more on UX, visit this post by Web Designer Deport 


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