Wonders of Login Form Designs


Register into a new website or any kinds of services online and you will be navigated to a login form. I always wondered why are these login forms (well at least most of them) so boring? Nevertheless, if there are any web designers here seeking for some design inspiration, here is a fix for login forms that I have for you. Check out these websites with minimalistic yet quirky login forms developed by websites.

(Click on the Images to know more)

1-stackedpaper 2-Dive-In 3-Cartoony-Login 4-Findly-Login 5-Collector-Signup 6-Flat-Form 7-RedBrick-Health-Login-870x43710-Updated-Maple-Login-by-maple-story-on-DeviantArt 11-Login-MailChimp-email-marketing-made-easy-870x418


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