Make Your SmartPhone The Ideal Artist’s Kit

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In today’s digital world an artist needs has many resources at hand for inspiration and joting down ideas. Evolution is what keeps us fresh and creative, so it definitely makes sense to use the new tools at our disposal due to the explosion of the digital world. And thanks to that explosion searching for a good app is like trying to find an needle in a haystack. Today we explore some of apps available for your Smartphone and Tablets which will augment your creativity and help you produce better artwork. So here are a few real cool apps that you must have and add to your essential artist’s kit.

Typendium: Your Pocket Guide to Typography
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This is definitely a go to app for your inspiration and discovering new art.

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Adobe Photoshop Sketch

As the name suggest it is a full feature toolset to allow you to have the ability to sketch your imagination at fingertips always.

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Sketchbook Pro

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Stuck with trying to figure out your colors? Use Kuler and you can have your colour swatch pretty quickly with its useful toolset which allows you to explore colour combinations using different colour theories.

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