iPhone 6 Mockups To Play With


The release of Apple iPhone 6 and 6+ has made a revolution in the mobile industry. And I am sure most of you have already switched to this new chic device. For designers they will now have to design in 3x and hence there is a shift to creating mockup templates to preview the interface designs on these iPhones.

Here is a list of mockup templates resources that will help your productivity. Click on the images to know more.

iPhone6-Mockup-001 iPhone6-Mockup-002 iPhone6-Mockup-003 iPhone6-Mockup-004  iPhone6-Mockup-006 iPhone6-Mockup-007 iPhone6-Mockup-008 iPhone6-Mockup-009 iPhone6-Mockup-010 iPhone6-Mockup-011 iPhone6-Mockup-012


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